From Los Angeles, CA to Chicago, IL

The Eleutheromania Experience is an underground journey into what we call the Juicy: all parts of one's self that make life tasty and fluid. Our experiences range from live music to candid conversations, which include laughter and seduction, all in the name of love and liberation.

Chicago, IL: Bodega

Our first experience took place at Bodega, a sultry speakeasy located in the heart of River North. With a sold out crowd, the evening raised over $5,000, Featuring a Live “Stripsale” Auction performed by Miranda Rae Mayo. Music curated by Ameerah Tatum, Miranda Rae Mayo with the amazing band New Context. All proceeds went to the Conscious Teen Leadership program at Bodhi Chicago, created by Toni Anderson and Miranda; designed to give Chicago teens the mindfulness techniques to be leaders in their communities and awakened creators of their destinies. With special guests Christian Stolte, Kara Kilmer, Daniel Kyri, Ameerah Tatum, Heidi Heaslet, Claire Albensoeder and Twilite Tone.